Economicus 2023-12-28T05:45:25+07:00 Galih Open Journal Systems <p>Jurnal “ECONOMICUS” merupakan jurnal ilmiah yang diterbitkan oleh Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi (STIE) Dewantara yang memuat informasi hasil kegiatan penelitian dan gagasan konseptual di bidang ekonomi dan manajemen</p> <p><img src="/public/site/sertifikat.jpg" alt="" width="350"></p> ANALISIS PORTOFOLIO OPTIMAL MODEL INDEKS TUNGGAL SAHAM INDEKS ENERGY PERIODE 2016 – 2021 2023-12-28T02:52:09+07:00 Hasyim Mulya Abdillah Renea Shinta Aminda Immas Nurhayati <p>Ilnvestment ils the actilvilty olf ilnvestilng capiltal iln the present wilth the ailm olf gettilng prolfilts iln the <br>fultulre. A realilstilc ilnvestolr will ilnvest hils fulnds iln stolcks that have hilgh retulrns bult wilth lolw <br>rilsk. Tol milnilmilze arilsk, an olptilmal polrtfolilol ils folrmed. The olptilmal polrtfolilol ils a colmbilnatiloln <br>olf expected retulrn wilth milnilmal rilsk. The silngle ilndex moldel ulnderliles that the market prilce <br>ilndex ils iln lilne wilth the prilce olf seculriltiles. Thils stuldy ailms tol determilne the retulrn and rilsk. As <br>well as tol chololse the olptilmal polrtfolilol and the prolpolrtiloln olf fulnds iln the Energy Sectolr Ilndex <br>stolcks oln the Ilndolnesila Stolck Exchange. The results sholwed that there were 5 stolcks ilnclulded iln <br>the olptilmal polrtfolilol wilth the prolpolrtiloln olf fulnds folr each stolck, namely HRUlM by 2%, MEDC <br>by 10%, IlNDY by 7%, DOlIlD by 80% and PTROl by 1%. Wilth an expected retulrn olf 3.4% and a <br>rilsk olf 8.1%. Careful ilnvestolrs can dilversilfy polrtfolilols rather than ilnvestilng entilrely iln <br>ilndilvildulal stolcks, tol milnilmilze rilsk.</p> 2023-12-21T09:11:25+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Economicus PENGARUH VARIASI PRODUK, DAN PROMOSI TERHADAP KEPUTUSAN PEMBELIAN KOPI KULO GALUH MAS KARAWANG 2023-12-28T02:52:09+07:00 Andre Baskara Netti Nurlenawati Dexi Triadinda <p><em>This study is to determine the influence of product variations and promotions on purchases at Kopi Kulo Galuh Mas Karawang. This type of research is kuantitative research. The population of this study were consumers who had already shopped and would shop at Kopi Kulo and the number of samples to be studied was 96 respondents. The sampling technique uses the lemeshow sample. In obtaining data and information that will support this research, the authors collect data by means of observations, questionnaires, literature studies. The results of the study obtained that product variations have a positive and significant effect partially on purchasing decisions at Kopi Kulo Galuh Mas Karawang, Promotions have a partial positive effect on purchasing decisions at Kopi Kulo Galuh Mas Karawang, and Product variations and promotions have a positive and significant effect simultaneously on purchasing decisions at Kopi Kulo Galuh Mas Karawang.</em></p> 2023-12-21T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Economicus PENGARUH PERSEPSI KEGUNAAN DAN PERSEPSI KEMUDAHAN TERHADAP MINAT PENGGUNAAN E-WALLET SHOPEEPAY 2023-12-28T02:52:09+07:00 Farizzy Azwar Setia Putra Netti Nurlenawati Dexi Triadinda <p><em>The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of perceived usefulness on intention to use and want to know how the effect of perceived ease of use on intention to use. This type of research is a verification research. The population of this study is Management Students class of 2019 at Buana Perjuangan University, Karawang who have used the ShopeePay E-wallet more than twice and the resulting number is 103 respondents. Sampling uses a quantitative approach and the technique of determining the sample is using a multistage random sampling technique, through two steps. In obtaining data and information that will support this research, the authors collect data by distributing questionnaires. The research results show that the ease of use of the ShopeePay E-wallet has a significant effect on interest in use. This can be seen from the statistical results which show the coefficient value obtained with an F-count value of 9.518 &gt; F-table of 3.09 with a meaning of 0.000 &lt;0.05, meaning visible convenience and convenience at the same time affect interest in using the ShopeePay E-wallet . The consequence of repeating respondents' reactions from the apparent usefulness factor, seeing the simplicity of interest in utilizing the ShopeePay E-wallet shows that the maximum total score is close to the scale range, namely 515.4 and shows the result of the total score, which is 495.0 (Strongly Agree). Thus each variable shows a positive attitude in using the ShopeePay E-wallet.</em></p> 2023-12-21T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Economicus ANALISIS KEPUASAN TERHADAP KUALITAS PELAYANAN PADA BENGKEL MOBIL NEGRO PALEMBANG SUMATERA SELATAN 2023-12-28T02:52:09+07:00 Mujito Rani Destriana Benny Osta Nababan Muhlis <p><em>This research aims to determine the level of service performance and consumer expectations as well as service indicators that are the company's priorities. This type of research is quantitative descriptive research. The number of samples is 100 samples with data analysis including service quality analysis, CSI analysis and IPA analysis (Importance Performance Analysis). The research results show that: (1) Based on the results of the gap analysis, it can be seen that almost all indicators have negative values. There is 1 indicator that has a positive value, namely indicator number 7, namely: "Negro Car Repair Mechanics in Palembang, South Sumatra provide accurate information regarding workshop services" with a percentage value of 102.47%, which means that for this indicator consumers feel very satisfied. Meanwhile, other indicators have a negative sign, which means that services related to these other indicators have not 100% met consumer expectations. (2) The results of the CSI analysis show that the CSI value is 70.67%. Based on the CSI analysis assessment criteria, this figure is in the quite satisfied criteria, this shows that consumers or service users at the Negro Palembang South Sumatra workshop feel quite satisfied with the service performance provided by the company, in this case the Palembang Negro South Sumatra workshop. (3) Service performance indicators that are a priority for improvement are indicators that are in quadrant I on the Cartesian diagram of IPA analysis (Importance Performance Analysis).</em></p> 2023-12-21T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Economicus PENGARUH KESADARAN WAJIB PAJAK, SANKSI PAJAK DAN PROGRAM SAMSAT J’BRET TERHADAP KEPATUHAN WAJIB PAJAK PADA KANTOR SAMSAT KOTA BOGOR 2023-12-28T02:52:10+07:00 Muhlis Kitty Emma Wandasari Benny Osta Nababan Zeze Zakaria Hamzah <p>This study was conducted to determine the effect of Taxpayer Awareness, Tax Sanctions and the <br>SAMSAT J'bret Program partially or simultaneously on Taxpayer Compliance at the SAMSAT <br>Office in Bogor City. The variables in this study consist of independent variables, namely <br>Taxpayer Awareness, Tax Sanctions and the SAMSAT J'bret Program while the dependent <br>variable is Taxpayer Compliance. This type of research is quantitative. The research was <br>conducted directly at the SAMSAT Bogor City Office located Jl. Ir. H. Juanda No. 4, Pabaton<br>Neighborhoods Central Bogor District, Bogor City, West Java, 16121. The sample in this study <br>is 100 taxpayers who pay motor vehicle tax at the SAMSAT Office in Bogor City. Data collection <br>techniques using questionnaires. As for data analysis using Validity Test, Reliability Test, <br>Classical Assumption Test, Multiple Regression Analysis Test and Hypothesis Test. The results of <br>the study showed that partially and simultaneously the variables of Taxpayer Awareness, Tax <br>Sanctions and the SAMSAT J'bret Program affect Taxpayer Compliance at the SAMSAT Office <br>in Bogor City. The variables of Taxpayer Awareness, Tax Sanctions and the SAMSAT J'bret <br>Program can only explain the variable of Taxpayer Compliance by 22%.</p> 2023-12-21T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Economicus PENGARUH LINGKUNGAN KERJA DAN MOTIVASI KERJA TERHADAP KINERJA KARYAWAN PADA PT SATWA MAJU SEJAHTERA SEMPURNA BOGOR 2023-12-28T02:52:10+07:00 Syaiful Anwar Eka Sulistiawati Muchammad Hamdani Muhlis <p><em>The purpose of this research is (1) to determine the influence of the work environment on employee performance at PT Satwa Maju Sejahtera Sempurna (2) to determine the influence of work motivation on employee performance at PT Satwa Maju Sejahtera Sempurna (3) to determine the influence of the work environment and work motivation simultaneously on employee performance of PT Satwa Maju Sejahtera Sempurna (4) to find out the most dominant factors influencing the performance of employees of PT Satwa Maju Sejahtera Sempurna. The research results show that: (1) The coefficient of the work environment variable (X1) is 0.016, meaning that every time there is an increase in the variable X1 (Work Environment) by 1%, employee performance increases by 0.016 (1.6%) or vice versa every time there is a decrease in the variable X1 (Work Environment) of 1%, employee performance decreases by 0.016 (1.6%). (2) The coefficient of the work motivation variable (X2) is 0.386, meaning that every time there is an increase in the variable 1% then employee performance decreases by 0.386 (38.6%). (3) Simultaneous test results show that the Fcount value is 9.036 &gt; Ftable 3.19 so that Ha is accepted and Ho is rejected, which means that the work environment variables and work motivation together have a significant effect on performance. </em></p> 2023-12-21T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Economicus PENGARUH BAURAN PEMASARAN TERHADAP KEPUTUSAN PEMBELIAN MARTABAK PIZZA ORINS CABANG PONDOK GEDE JAKARTA 2023-12-28T02:52:10+07:00 Tika Kartika Kezia Yuniar Event Napitupulu Mujito <p><em>The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of marketing mix variables partially or simultaneously on purchasing decisions for Martabak Pizza Orins Pondok Gede Jakarta Branch. The results showed that: (1) The results of hypothesis testing partially proved that product quality and promotion variables had an effect on purchasing decisions with a calculated t value of product quality variable of 2.938 &gt; t table of 1.984 with a significance value of 0.000 &lt;0.05. Meanwhile, price and location variables have no effect on purchasing decisions with a calculated t value of the price variable of 0.154 &lt;t table 1.984 with a significance value of 0.878 &gt; 0.05 and a calculated t value of the location variable of 1.743 &lt;t table 1.984 with a significance value of 0.085 &gt; 0 ,05. (2) The results of the simultaneous hypothesis test prove that simultaneously the variables of product quality, price, promotion and location influence purchasing decisions with a calculated F value of 35.767 &gt; F table 2.310, with a significance of 0.000 &lt;0.05 (3) Test results for the coefficient of determination an adjusted R² value of 0.601 is obtained, this proves that in this study purchasing decisions are simultaneously influenced by product quality, price, promotion and location variables by 60.1%, while the remaining 39.9%.</em></p> 2023-12-21T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Economicus ANALISIS FINANCIAL DISTRESS MENGGUNAKAN MODEL ALTMAN Z -SCORE DAN SPRINGATE PT BINAKARYA JAYA ABADI, Tbk PERIODE 2016-2020 2023-12-28T02:52:10+07:00 Zeze Zakaria Hamzah Fitriyani Muhlis Heru Satria Rukmana <p>This research is about financial distress analysis using the Altman Z Score and Springate models to <br>predict financial distress in property companies, especially PT Binakarya Jaya Abadi, Tbk for the <br>2016-2020 period. The results of this analysis are two results obtained from the Altman Z model<br>Score and Springate. The results of the prediction of financial distress are for the Altman Z-Score <br>model in 2016 to obtain a ratio of 2.7470 indicating a prediction of not going bankrupt, in 2017 <br>obtaining a ratio of 3.8066 indicating a prediction of not going bankrupt, in 2018 obtaining a ratio <br>of 3.5711 indicating prediction of not going bankrupt, in 2019 obtaining a ratio of 3.2854 indicating <br>a prediction of not going bankrupt and in 2020 obtaining a ratio of 0.6885 indicating a prediction of <br>bankruptcy. Whereas for the Springate model in 2016 it obtained a ratio of 0.3999 indicating a <br>prediction of bankruptcy, in 2017 it obtained a ratio of 0.5862 indicating a prediction of bankruptcy, <br>in 2018 it obtained a ratio of 0.5526 indicating a prediction of bankruptcy, in 2019 it obtained a ratio <br>of 0 .4408 indicates a prediction of bankruptcy and in 2020 obtains a ratio of 0.0292 indicating a <br>prediction of bankruptcy.</p> 2023-12-21T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Economicus NILAI EKONOMI AIR BUANGAN AC (AIR CONDITIONER) SEBAGAI SUMBER ALTERNATIF UNTUK PEMENUHAN KEBUTUHAN AIR DI KANTOR PEMERINTAHAN KABUPATEN BOGOR 2023-12-28T05:45:25+07:00 Benny Osta Nababan Yesi Dewita Sari Mujito Rini Kusumawati Febryan Hardiansyah Mutiara Saripah Silma Mausuli Rusli Dwianto I Gusti Ayu Darma Cintia <p><em>Reusing AC wastewater is a potentially limited water resource. This research aims to: determine the quality of AC wastewater, estimate the availability of AC wastewater in Bogor Regency government offices, and analyze the economic value of the availability of AC wastewater in Bogor Regency Government Offices. The method used in this research is a technical analysis of water quality tests, quantitative descriptive tabulation calculations to obtain the amount of AC wastewater in each SKPD, and WTP (Willingness To Pay). This research shows that AC wastewater can be used as a water resource because the raw water parameters are good for household purposes such as for toilet use, cleaning services, watering plants, and washing. The estimated AC wastewater produced by 33 SKPDs of the Bogor Regency Government in 1 year is 4,118,400 liters. Water requirements by employees for 1 year are 25,877,601.30 liters. In this case, if AC wastewater can be used, it will cover 15.91% of employee water needs in 1 year. The economic value of AC wastewater is IDR 3.57/liter. If multiplied by the amount of AC wastewater that has not been utilized, the total value of AC wastewater in 1 year is IDR 14,702,688.00. The value of AC wastewater is only 44.6% of the PDAM price per liter. This value is still low because AC waste water is known as waste.</em></p> 2023-12-21T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Economicus